Sydney Christian Israelite Church

The Christian Israelite Church has had a continuous presence in Sydney since 1839 when the first group was established. The current church building was erected in 1853 and has been in continuous usage since that date. The view has changed somewhat over the last 150 years or more, for when the church was first built members described the outlook of the church at Darlinghurst as looking across the paddocks to the city (Sydney).
The Sydney Christian Israelite Church recently underwent major renovations. To view images of the renovation process and the finished building please click here.
Live Broadcasts
To listen to our live broadcasts click here.
Our regular Praise Services are broadcast live to the internet.
Pastor's Blog
Visit our Pastor's Blog:
Praise Services and Special Events
Meeting Times: Public services on the second and fourth Sundays of each months at 11:45am (AEST).
Our regular Praise Services are broadcast live on the internet, along with special events throughout the year.
To listen to our live broadcasts click here.
To listen to our Live Broadcasts on the Internet visit www.cichurch.comgo to Locations, Sydney, and click on Live Broadcasts, or join The Live Online Christian Israelite Church Chat Room on PalTalk.
Contact Us
We can be contacted anytime on the following:
Mobile 0418 688 607
National (02) 9331 5625
International 61 (2) 9331 5625
National (02) 4938 0337
International 61 (2) 4938 0337
We are located at 196 Campbell Street, Surry Hills in Sydney, NSW, just around the corner from Taylor Square.